Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bone Marrow Drive

As most of you have probably heard, or read on Jon's blog, his leukemia is not in remission and he will need a bone marrow transplant. There are a couple possible matches in the national registry and they'll also be testing his parents, but there's only a 1% chance that they're a match, and the matches in the registry could be anywhere in the world.

I have been in contact with the National Bone Marrow Registry about holding a drive here at ND - not only to find potential matches for Jonathan right here in his hometown - but to add donors to the national list to possibly save someone else's life. So many people have been asking how they can help and both Jonathon and Katie feel very fortunate to have such a wonderful family here at Notre Dame. We truely are a family. I will provide more information on this bone marrow drive as soon as I have it from the registry. So, keep checking back here for the latest.

For more information on what it means to be a donor, please check out the national website here